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Selectmen's Minutes July 11, 2005
MONDAY, JULY 11, 2005

Present:        William Roach, Emma Smith, Richard Leone, Stephen White

Absent: Frederick Gallup

Also Present:  Ronald Verblauw, Dick & Jeanne Jaffe, Robert Ruopp, Harry Gale and
                News reporters, Debra Champgne, Donna Roberson and
                Rebecca Miller

Chairman William Roach opened the meeting at 7:00 PM.

A brief discussion was held on eminent domain.  The Board took the stand that the only way they would use eminent domain to take property was if it  would be necessary for public use (not private).  The Board will not follow what the Supreme Court deemed legal.


A.      Richard & Jeanne Jaffe – Drainage on Marys Road:  Richard Jaffe was present to request that the Board authorize the town Highway Department to repair the portion of Marys  Road next to his property.  Mr. Jaffe stated that  when he purchased the home 30 years ago, the house was above the crown of the road.  Now the house sits below the crown  of the road and  water from the road drains off onto his property leaving 2/3rds of it non-useful.  He presented the Board with pictures one, which showed the house higher than the road.  He had recent pictures which show where the house now sits in relation to the road and also pictures of water  pools on his property.  Mr. Jaffe stated that in 1978 he added a second floor to the house and since then has raised the house  about one foot and a half  and added a new foundation and to bring it up above the road.  He had the swale cleaned.  He has also raised his parking lot to meet the road surface.  Now both house and parking lot are again below the surface of the road.  The road slopes toward his house.  There is a culvert, but it does not drain the water away.  Stephen White stated that Marys Road is a private and has been for years.  A previous Board of Selectmen authorized the maintenance of the road.  S. White questioned why the Board should authorize further work on this road.  Mr. Jaffe stated that he has  had to have his leach field pumped weekly.  Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that she, W. Roach and T. Bergeron met on the site.  She stated that projects are fixed each year and there is no money in the budget for this.  She believes that it is a natural habitual changing road.  T. Bergeron told  Mr. Jaffe that he needed a catch basin and he could  purchase one for Mr. Jaffe.  Mr. Jaffe would have to pay for the basin and for installing it.  Stephen White pointed out that there has been a particularly high rain fall this year.  He asked Mr. Jaffe what he was expecting the Board to do.  Mr. Jaffe stated that he would like the Town to purchase the catch basin, install it, clean out the swale and restore his property.  He feels that one remedy  possibility would be to scrape the road down 36” to bring it to its original level.  
Emma Smith asked about the lay out of the road.  D. Nashawaty stated that the road was not originally laid out correctly.  S. White stated that the only solution he could see would be to have Mr. Jaffe come before Town Meeting to have the road taken over.  S. White stated that scraping was not an option and that this is private property.  The Town does not work on private property.  Mr. Jaffe stated that he was willing to take care of the restoration of the property but he feels the Town should pay for the catch basin, piping and swale system.  Emma Smith suggested that the Board consult with Road Agent Tony Bergeron.  Richard Leon questioned maintenance of the catch basin.  D. Nashawaty stated that the Road Agent would not maintain this catch basin.  S. White agreed with D. Nashawaty stating that this project was not budgeted for.  D. Nashawaty asked if Mr. Jaffe had consulted a landscape architect as trees will absorb the water.  Mr. Jaffe stated that he had met with three architects in the last 2 weeks.  S. White stated that Mr. Jaffe’s only solution was to put in a catch basin and pipe.  E. Smith informed Mr. Jaffe of a Planning Board meeting she attended where a property  owner was digging up his yard, removing the clay, then laying down stone, sand and loam.  She wondered if that might be a solution.  S. White stated that he cannot agree with this being a Town problem.  Mr. Jaffe could  request that an article be placed in the Town Warrant to repair his problem.  E. Smith  again suggested a meeting of the Board of Selectmen with the Road Agent to discuss the matter.   It was agreed to do this Monday, July 18 at 9 AM at the Town Hall.

B.   Harry Gale – Update from County Delegation Meeting:   Harry Gale presented the Board and others with a copy of a report he wrote on what he has been doing since election.  He also distributed  his “Focus List” for the remainder of the year.  A copy of Mr. Gale’s report is attached to the office copy of these minutes.  S. White stated that he believes that Sunapee’s succession from Sullivan County should be Mr. Gale’s #1 priority.  Sunapee is paying  for 25% of the county’s budget.  He expressed his disappointment that Mr. Gale has not done what he promised by creating a bill to be presented to the House.  He stated he would like to see further support from Mr. Gale.  S. White, added, that as far as affordable housing, he does not agree with this and does not want to see that happen in Sunapee.  He added he was not speaking for the Board but was stating his opinion.  W. Roach questioned Mr. Gale on what he has done for the Town of Sunapee.  He hasn’t seen any action from him and is tired of the matter.   Mr. Gale stated that he feels he has done a good for the Town.  He got the County Commissioners to meet with the Sunapee Selectmen.  It was his attempts that got the  Commissioners to correct the capital reserve containing $220,000.00.  Succession is high on his list but he has had other commitments.  He has spent time getting researchers to look at the problem and has set up a program and plans that address  the Board’s concerns.  He would like to have meetings with the other 12 delegates and the Board to look at solutions.  He suggested that the Board put the question to the voters at Town Meeting:  “Do you wish to succeed from Sullivan County?”  S. White stated that the process is taking up far too much time and he would like to see action  soon.  W. Roach addressed the $220,000.00.  It is his feeling that the Sunapee Board of Selectmen was responsible for the return of the money.  H. Gale stated that he is happy to share the success with the Board.   The Selectman thanked  Mr. Gale for attending.


The Selectmen signed several items as noted on the Agenda.


A.  Discussion was held on succession.  D. Nashawaty noted how long the Board has been  addressing this and still no bill has been written.  The next session of the House is in September and feels that the Board should get something written soon so it can be addressed.  R. Leone suggested seeking researchers.   He agreed to check into this.  S. White suggested that a formal letter be written to Harry Gale asking him to draft a bill for the next session.  D. Nashawaty will draft a letter to the Town Managers in surrounding communities to see if they would like to have a “round table” discussion.  She will also check on using the high school cafeteria for this.

B.  D. Nashawaty presented the Selectmen with a draft  Dog Fouling Ordinance.  She informed the Board that the only change was made to Section 4 by the Police Department.  The Board will hold a public hearing on this at the August 18 meeting.
D. Nashawaty informed the Board that the signs have been placed in the harbor area and credited Tony Bergeron for his assistance in doing this.

C.  Discussion was held on eminent domain.  S. White suggested that the Town Manager speak with the Town’s attorney for possible insertion on the Town Warrant.  It was agreed that this would be addressed at a later meeting.

D.  D. Nashawaty informed the Board that  Rick Mastin has resigned his position as the Town’s representative to the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission.  She noted that Mr. Mastin has done a wonderful job, and finds that his commitments will not allow him time to serve.  She also noted that he is serving the Town in other capacities.  S. White stated that he would be willing to be appointed for this but would have to give up being representative to the Sunapee Water Shed Area Coalition.  E. Smith stated she would serve on the Coalition.  D. Nashawaty will do up appointment forms to be signed by the Board.  

E.  D. Nashawaty brought to the Board’s attention a resolution from the Local Government Center Property-Liability Trust.  This offers a rate for 2005 frozen at 2% the first year and 2% the next year, if rates should  rise.  If not, they will pass along the credit to the Town.  It was noted that this is only $1,000.00 more in cost over the past year.  
Motion was made by William Roach to adopt the PLTC resolution to the year 2008.  The motion was seconded by S. White and carried.  


A.  With regard to the meeting with the Health Officer, there appears to have been some miscommunication between the officer and the board.  The Health Officer thought the meeting was scheduled for July and not June and he sends his apologies.  D. Nashawaty will ask the Health Officer when they may set up another meeting.

B.  D. Nashawaty informed the Board that on Friday, July 15, she has a full day of interviews for a tri-town assessor.  She is very enthusiastic and feels they may find the right individual this time.

C.  D. Nashawaty informed the Board that cable surveys were sent out to all PO boxes and rural routes.

D.  D. Nashawaty informed the Board that the Town Clerk’s state motor vehicle program is being reprogrammed and will have a second line.  During reprogramming, the Clerk will not be able to do certain plates such as vanity.  A comment was made by S. White that  Betty Ramspott, the Town Clerk/Tax Collector, was very kind to him by reminding him of  the tax due date.   E. Smith stated that  Ms. Ramspott was a wonderful person and an asset to the community.  Discussion was held on the opening of a second window in the Clerk’s office.  It was noted that this has worked out well with  patrons not having to wait so long.  A letter of thanks will be sent to the volunteers, Dana Ramspott and Craig Heino, for installing the second window.

E.  D. Nashawaty reported that the revaluation process is going well.  Revisits are being held this week and next week.  Appointments for property owners will be scheduled for the first two weeks in August.   Ultimate Solution, a web site by Vision will provide the assessments once complete.   She will obtain the site information for the next meeting.

F.  D. Nashawaty asked the Board for approval to purchase shirts for the Town Hall employees.  The shirt will contain the Town logo.  Only one shirt will be purchased for each employee.  The Selectmen gave their approval and expressed  an interest in purchasing a shirt for themselves at their cost.

G.  D. Nashawaty noted that Victor Branch has done a wonderful job in removing the old highway garage.  The site was left very clean and tidy.  She stated that other residents of the community have commented on this as well.  The Board agreed stating that it was a professional job.  A thank you letter will be sent to Mr. Branch.

E. Smith inquired about the access road across the site to the school.  D. Nashawaty stated that the architects and engineers are  addressing this.

Meeting adjourned at 9:55 PM.

Submitted by, Darlene Morse                             Approved by the Board__________

_________________________                       _____________________________
William Roach, Chairman                         Emma Smith, Vice-Chairman

_________________________                       _____________________________
Richard Leone                                           Frederick C. Gallup

Stephen W. White